Blog Journal 3

I was browsing through the ELA technology standards for 5th grade because I am also interested in teaching elementary school students. I found that most of the standards I felt prepared to teach with my existing knowledge but there was one I might have trouble with and need to learn more about. The standards that I felt prepared for were teaching the use of technology, including the internet, to produce and publish writing and to interact and collaborate with others. I feel confident about this standard because they mention the use of keyboard skills which I feel I am advanced in and could help teach others to type well. I also feel prepared to teach visual and multimedia elements such as PowerPoint or Google Slides because I have a lot of experience using both of those. The one standard I felt could require more learning on my part was the inclusion of multimedia components using software like Pixlr, audio records, iMovie, etc. I personally do not know how to use any of those softwares and I would really need to learn more about them before being able to teach them and incorporate them within my classroom.

The resource that I ended up looking at in the CPALMS educator Toolkit was a project resource for a lesson plan teaching 5th grade Social Studies. The lesson plan was titled “Inventions and Innovations MEA” and it covered multiple subjects including social studies, science, and english language arts. I really liked this resource because it gave examples of how you can implement a fun and educational activity in the classroom where students get a chance to be the teachers as well. This specific lesson was geared towards students familiarizing themselves with famous inventions from around the world throughout history and being able to pick their favorite/most important and do research on why they chose it. I would use a lesson like this in my classroom because I like when the students get a chance to take the lesson into their own hands and actually get excited about what they choose to learn about. It also gives students the chance to share their opinions and learn from other classmates.

The Newsletter Design assignment was pretty fun but also a bit stressful, personally. I had a hard time formatting everything and using the column function. On the positive side, I did learn and acquire new skills like the column tool, making a bulleted list with the tables, and how to use grid lines to make sure everything is aligned. It was fun to create something that I know I will have to do in the future so it was great practice! I think that next time I can use the column tool more effectively now that I know how it works and maybe change the margins so there is less white space. All in all, I can definitely use all of this new information for my future career when I have to make a Newsletter for my class, so I’m glad that I learned the content and visual designs of a Newsletter!



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