Blog Journal 2

As a student I have used MS word on many accounts and I have been using it for years. When I was younger, I recall using MS word to gather pictures through clipart. In middle school when I had to start writing papers I would use MS word to do so. I have used it for projects as well when the WordArt tool came in handy. There are honestly so many things I use it for but I would say writing papers would be my most common use nowadays. My teachers have used MS word as well like when they write up a syllabus or a rubric for class and then it becomes available for us to see and even edit!

In my experience, I can recall countless times that I have or even a teacher has engaged in the activities such as photocopying materials from magazines and using photos from the internet for papers and presentations. I have often used photos from Google Images for Powerpoint presentations myself just giving them a citation at the end. As a teacher, I would be sure to explain the concepts of copyright and fair use to my students and expect them to provide citations and annotations when necessary. I would inform students that they could even copyright their own creative material/work. I would be sure my students know when credit is needed to be given and when it is not (one’s own created material).

There are multiple technology implementation issues within a classroom, one of them being privacy. There are a lot of privacy issues while using technology in the classroom. For example, students may be exploring sites that they should not be while in school or sharing personal social medias with other classmates while supposedly working on a school project. A solution I would propose to this issue within my classroom is implementing some sort of network password that only allows me as a teacher to get into the internet and use specific sites. If a site is not school related, it will be blocked only to be unlocked with a password. I think this would bring a decrease in privacy issues while using the internet. Another technology implementation issue is cyberbullying. I personally think these solutions fall hand in hand. Proposing a solution by applying a password to unschool related sites like twitter, facebook, and instagram would not give a student the opportunity to bully others on sites such as those while in the classroom. All in all, just being strict on the sites students should be using while in the classroom should lessen these issues.


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