Blog Journal 5

I think Diigo is a very cool tool for not only teachers but for anyone looking for helpful software, websites, and reviews. I personally think that Diigo was fairly easy to set up and it is even easier to bookmark websites onto Diigo. Being able to be apart of a group is another fun and helpful way to navigate through Diigo with common interests. I definitely will use this tool and join more groups as I become a teacher. I am excited to join groups and see what they have to offer in relation to my specific field of teaching in the future.    

One of the Web 2.0 tools that are available for teachers to use are blogs. As a class, we have taken up blogging for this course. I personally love it! I like that you can write a blog post about anything and make it available for anyone to see. Blogger is so well organized and the site is easy to navigate. I have learned that blogging is an easy way to share personal experiences, information, or even useful websites for others who are interested. I will definitely be blogging as a teacher and sharing my experience as well as tools I find helpful as I begin my teaching career.

A Web 2.0 tool that I find interesting and would hope to someday implement in my classroom would be YouTube. I think it is very cool that teachers can use this to create a collection of videos that they can turn into their own channels for students to watch and comment on. I have personally used YouTube before for school projects where I have been able to upload a video for my classmates and teachers to view. It is easy to create an account and begin using YouTube to your advantage and it is a great way for students to interact with each other by commenting and discussing on videos that a teacher may provide, which in turn allows the teacher to receive feedback from their students. YouTube


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